7 Pro Cleaning Tips You Need to Know


Are you ready to take your cleaning skills to the next level? As a cleaning professional with over a decade of experience, I'm here to share my top pro cleaning tips with you. If you enjoy this content, make sure to subscribe to the Clean My Space YouTube channel and give this video a thumbs up. Let's dive in!

1. Clean from Top to Bottom, Left to Right

Cleaning from the top down and left to right ensures you don't miss any spots and avoids re-cleaning surfaces. When dust and dirt fall, they won't land on areas you've already cleaned. Start with high surfaces like shelves and work your way down to the floor. Follow a consistent left-to-right pattern to cover every inch of the room efficiently.

2. Gather Your Cleaning Supplies First

Save time and energy by gathering all your cleaning supplies before you start. Place them in a central location within the room you're cleaning. This prevents unnecessary trips back and forth and keeps you focused on the task at hand.

3. Let Cleaning Products Dwell

For maximum effectiveness, allow cleaning products to sit for a few minutes before wiping them off. This gives them time to break down dirt and kill bacteria. Follow the instructions on the product label for the best results. This applies to both store-bought and DIY cleaning solutions.

4. Use Gentle Products First

Start with the gentlest cleaning products and only use stronger ones if necessary. This is especially important if you have children, pets, or allergies. Most household surfaces aren't as dirty as you might think, and mild cleaners can often do the job. Reserve strong products for particularly tough messes.

5. Perform the Eye-Level Test

After cleaning a surface, crouch down to eye level to check for missed spots. This technique helps you catch areas you might have overlooked. It's a great way to ensure a thorough clean, especially on countertops and other flat surfaces.

6. Clean in an "S" Pattern

Forget the circular motions and clean using an "S" pattern. Start at the top right corner of a surface and swipe to the left, then zigzag back to the right. This method reduces streaks and ensures you cover the entire area more efficiently.

7. Arrange Items Parallel and Perpendicular

Make surfaces look tidier by arranging items parallel or perpendicular to the edges. This simple trick makes any space appear more organized and visually pleasing. It’s especially useful for countertops and shelves.

Get More Tips in My Book!

These tips are just a sneak peek of what you'll find in my book, Clean My Space. It's packed with my entire cleaning method, designed for people who want to clean efficiently without spending all their time doing it. You can find it at major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more. If you’ve read the book, please leave a review on Amazon—it makes a big difference!

Share Your Cleaning Tips!

I'd love to hear your favorite cleaning tips in the comments below. How have these tips changed your cleaning routine? Let me know!
